Installing Jupyter

Option 1. Installing Jupyter with Anaconda

Don’t have a Python installation on your computer? If you’re new to all this, the Jupyter Project recommends installing Anaconda , which installs Python, the Jupyter Notebook, and other commonly used packages for scientific computing and data science.

Option 2. Installing Jupyter with PIP

If you have a Python installation already on your computer, you may want to use the Python package manager (pip) instead of Anaconda. You’ll need Python 3.3+.

First, ensure that you have the latest version of pip:

$ pip3 install --upgrade pip

Install the Jupyter Notebook using:

$ pip3 install jupyter

Ok, now that we have Jupyter installed, let’s start the notebook server.

We can launch the server from a command line (either Terminal on macOS/Linux or Command Prompt on Windows) by running:

$ jupyter notebook

If your installation went well, you’ll see information about the notebook server in your command line. Also, your web browser will open to the URL displayed in your command line (http://localhost:8888), displaying the Notebook Dashboard.

Installing the CircuitPython Kernel

First, clone this repository.

$ git clone

Navigate into the cloned repository directory. Install this kernel into Jupyter by running:

$ python3 install

Then, run

$ python3 -m circuitpython_kernel.install
  • if you encounter errors running this command on macOS/Linux, you’ll need to prefix this command with sudo

Finally, let’s verify the kernel was installed correctly in Jupyter. To do this, run:

$ jupyter kernelspec list

Your output should show circuitpython as an available kernel: